This year’s mantra is: Perseverance and Letting Go.

The energies of this year are perfectly represented by the image of an Ox with a plough.

This Friday, February 12th, marks the beginning of the Lunar Year of the Ox, or Cow, or Bovine, an animal associated with patience, consistency, and single-directed focus. 

Because the Ox has a long history of helping humans in agriculture, the traits of cooperation, hard work and honesty are associated with it.  

To understand what this year has to bring, you have to consider the characteristics of the animal in combination with this year’s elemental nature, which is one of the five elements: water, wood, fire, earth or metal.  

This year’s element is once again Metal, thus it is the year of the Silver Ox.

Last year was a Yang Metal year, so the Metal element was expressed more externally. The strong Yang Metal of last year combined with the Rat, which is the first animal and champion trickster of the Chinese zodiac, forced massive change onto our world.   

Airborne illnesses, like corona viruses, invade into the organs associated with the Metal element, which are the lungs, sinuses & immune system.  Because the earth’s Metal element was severely out of balance from air pollution and 2020 was a Yang Metal year, it created the perfect storm for an airborne pandemic.  

This year is a Yin Metal year, so we can expect to see those with compromised immune systems continue to struggle.  The pandemic will likely continue, but infections should decrease throughout the year; however auto-immune diseases may go up because they are more Yin in nature.

Because autumn is the Metal season, those who don’t take care with their health in winter, spring and summer will suffer the consequences in the fall.  

Devoting yourself to strengthening and balancing your Metal this year will help keep you healthy and avoid the negative potentials of the Yin Silver Ox year.  I will share some practical ways to do this.  

“The Qi flows where attention goes.”   – Traditional Chinese Medicine proverb

In traditional holistic medicine, we understand that the body and mind are one.  Thus, we need to balance the Metal element not only through the physical, but also through the mental-emotional. Let’s take a look at how the Metal element influences us in these ways.

Metal is the element of Declining Yin, as it is the last of the five elements in their cycle.  Metal is associated with the autumn, the evening, exhalation, retraction, the setting sun, old age and death.  It marks the end of something.  

Metal is the element of refinement.  Raw ore is refined into pure metals.  Rough gems are refined into cut precious jewels.  

Metal is associated with the organs of the Lungs and Large Intestine.  

Both of these organs are prime examples of the refinement of metabolic processes. 

The Lungs extract oxygen from the air so it can be absorbed into the bloodstream. And through the exhale, we let go of all the carbon dioxide we no longer need. 

The Large Intestine refines our stools by extracting the final minerals and water from the food we consume, before letting go of what is no longer needed. 

Metal is associated with letting go and acceptance.  

The emotion connected to it is sadness and grief.  

These emotions can become extreme, repressed or prolonged when the Metal element is imbalanced, causing an inability to let go and accept, which can then lead to injury of the Lung and Large Intestine systems.   

Metal is associated with space and aesthetics, feng shui, beauty and balance.  

Metal also restrains the Wood element (Ko cycle in this image). Wood is the element of growth and expansion, Metal keeps it from growing out of control. 

A real world example of this is a haircut, the metal scissors cut the growing hair (wood).  Bonsai are also prime examples of this relationship.   

Wood is associated with desire.  We can see that when desire is left unchecked, it may lead to excessive ambition, expansion and accumulation. 

Physical and digital hoarding are a result of a weak Metal (difficulty letting things go) and excessive Wood (insatiable desire for things).   

The healthy and strong Metal says:  “Does this help or hinder my total energy?”

If it helps, Metal absorbs it.

If it hinders, Metal lets it go.

Metal is the boundary element.  Those with weak Metal tend to have weak boundaries, with both people and the stuff in their lives.  They may let people abuse them or keep relationships with people who have a negative impact in their lives.  Just as they may keep certain self-abusive habits or keep stuff that has a negative or zero-gain impact in their lives.

The boundary connection of Metal is also mirrored in the physical.  The boundaries between the external and internal parts of our bodies (the skin, nose and lungs) are all ruled by the Metal element.  

As is the membrane of the cell.  These boundaries control what is allowed in and what is not.  Much attention has been put on how the coronavirus triggers receptors on the cell membrane to allow it inside the cell.  

Whether we let the virus into our bodies or into our cells or not is dependent on the overall health of the Metal in your body.  

Weak Metal leaves you more vulnerable to reacting to external invasions of pathogens, be it viruses, bacteria, pollens, dust, mold, allergens, etc.  

A strong Metal acts like armour, blocking pathogens and evils from invading your body and doing you harm.  

How do you know if your Metal element is weak or out of balance?

Here are some signs and symptoms to look for: 

  • Lung / breathing issues
  • Large intestine / bowel movement issues
  • Skin issues
  • Nose or sinus issues
  • Immune issues or allergies
  • Excessive sadness or grief
  • Difficulty letting things go
  • Excessive nostalgia for the past
  • Hard time accepting how things are
  • Physical clutter in your home or office
  • Digital clutter on your computer or devices

On the upside, Metal years offer the best opportunities for strengthening and balancing your Metal.  Here are 4 ways to do so this year:

  1. Breathing

As the Lungs are ruled by the Metal element, breathing exercises are the simplest way to help this element rebalance. 

Breathing is the only autonomic function of the body that we can easily influence.  

When we take control of our breath, we take control of our bodies.  

The Qi  is influenced directly through our breath.  When we breathe shallow or restrict our breathing for extended periods, we weaken our Qi and consequently our health. 

 There are many breathing techniques that you can practice to empower your Lungs and Metal.  You can follow youtube videos or apps that can help.

It doesn’t matter which one you practice, or even if you learn how to do any. 

What matters most is that you breathe deeply, fully and continuously, as much as possible. 

Here are a few suggestions of things you can do to breathe better:

  • Going outside and breathing deeply in diverse environments.  This can do wonders for empowering your microbiome.
  • Do some aerobic exercise that forces deep breathing and sweating. 
  • Practice Qigong and yoga, which are gentle and invigorating exercises with many benefits that prioritize breathing.
  • The Wim Hof Method is a fantastic system that uses a Tibetan breathing technique to directly influence and transform the immune system.  It’s been scientifically proven to stop the cytokine inflammatory storm.  Wim Hof and 12 of his students showed this during one experiment where they all had the E Coli bacteria injected into them.  Using this breathing method, they all stopped the inflammatory process and did not get sick from this deadly bacteria.  It’s easy to learn.  I practice it daily and love it! 
  • Dr. Weil teaches a relaxing 4-7-8 breath technique that is very simple.
  • Read the book by James Nestor, “Breath: New Science of a Lost Art.”  You can also find some interesting interviews with him online that give a synopsis and some tips from his book.
  1. Decluttering

The Metal element rules Feng Shui, which is the art and science of allowing the space in your home to carry the Qi to you in beneficial ways.   

If you have overflowing cupboards, clutter around your house and not enough space for the Qi to flow freely, then this is the perfect year to declutter your life.  

Sometimes you won’t feel the full weight of this clutter until you clear it out, and then feel how much “lighter” you feel.

Metal years are perfect for letting go of all the things that don’t serve you or bring you joy.  

In addition to decluttering your physical life, make sure you do it with your digital life too.  

This will have a profoundly positive impact on your mental health.  

Delete apps you don’t need from your devices.  

Delete programs and bookmarks on your computer.  

Stop spending time on websites, devices and games that drain your energy.

Every time you click “delete” you’re reinforcing the Metal energy of letting go.

Some great books on these subjects are “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo and “Digital Minimalism” by Cal Newport.

  1. Discerning Eating

In the five elements, each of the elements feeds, or engenders the other. For example, Water feeds Wood and Wood feeds Fire.

Relevant to this year, the Ox is represented by the element of Earth. And in the five elements system, the Earth engenders Metal.

Earth is related to our Stomach & Spleen and the digestion of food and water, lymphatic system, fascia and our micro-biome. 

Because Metal is fed by Earth, if Earth is unhealthy, Metal by consequence is as well. 

This is why our diet have such a profound impact on our Lungs and Immune System.  This is also how eating mucus-forming foods can lead to mucus in the Lungs.

The Ox is associated with the element of Yin Earth, which is related to the Spleen organ.  So this year we have double Yin, with an emphasis on digestion.  

Since these two elements, Earth and Metal, are in favorable alignment, good fortune is achievable this year – with the hard work of an Ox. 

Unfortunately, since it’s a double Yin year, people’s digestive systems will be easily bogged down. 

It’s important not to overeat this year.  Be discerning (a Metal attribute) about what you eat, and how much you eat.  If you choose your food and intake wisely, you will make gains this year in your health and success.  

Be a picky eater this year – in the best of ways.  Not only about what and how much you eat, but also how you combine foods and how you cook foods.  

Some combinations just don’t work chemically and can throw off your entire microbiome.  Overcooking, frying, BBQing and charring can bring a lot of heat into your foods.  So if you have inflammation, you’ll want to avoid these hot cooking methods and prefer slow cooking, simmering, steaming and low heats.  

It’s also recommended to avoid too much cold or raw foods, especially in the colder months.  

Use more aromatic fresh spices in your cooking to aid digestion and bring flavour, warmth and antioxidants into your food.  

Avoid processed and damp-forming foods and aim for fresh, clean and light eating.  

  1. Persevere with patience, avoid anger

The Ox is a docile animal, unless provoked, then like a bull, it becomes dangerous and a force of destruction.  

Like the saying, “A bull in a china shop.”  

Fine china represents the element of Metal, because it’s a product of refined craftsmanship and taste.  

The bull represents the destructive energy that anger and impatience can bring to a potentially successful year of the Ox.  

This year is perfectly reflected in the image of an ox with a metal plough.

Imagine you have a field, which is your future.  That field has the potential to bring you a harvest.  First, you have to plant and sow the seeds.  

But before you plant the seeds, you have to plough the field.  And before you plough, you have to clear any boulders, rocks, branches or other clutter from the field.

This is why decluttering your life is so important to your future success.  Without this step, there is simply no space for your crops to grow.

Then your entire success depends on how you plough your field.   Some plants need more space to thrive than others.  Some need to be planted close together.  Some need to be planted deeper down, some more superficially.  

If you plough improperly, you may ruin your harvest before the first seed is even planted.

The beginning of this year represents the time in which you clear and prepare the field for ploughing and decide what harvest you want to plant for your future.  

The rest of the year marks cutting into the field with the plough to make the perfect nest for your seeds to sprout, grow and thrive.

For those who tend to live on the more Yang active side of life, this year may be slower and more tedious to your liking. 

Avoid getting frustrated and impatient, otherwise you risk becoming the bull in a china shop.  

Reframing your perspective to look at your life more long-term will help you stay focused on keeping the plough in the fields this year.

We have a few more Yin years before the emergence of a Yang element (2024 Wood Dragon), so use this Yin time wisely to clean house.  

Make space by clearing out all the old stuff from the past that doesn’t serve your future goals. 

When you cut and clear out all that doesn’t serve you, then you make space for the new, alive and fresh Qi to bring vitality into every aspect of your life.  

Take stock of your life (the field), and get the plough into the dirt and cut out all that doesn’t support you.  The physical stuff, the digital stuff, the stuff you waste time on, dead-end relationships, energy sucking habits, old beliefs and ideologies that inhibit success.  

Every time you let go of something that is consuming your energy without feeding you, you will make the Silver Ox happy and blessings will come to you this year.  

May the year of the Silver Ox help you release what no longer serves you and welcome that which you wish for! 

I also wanted to share with you this individual animal forecast for 2021 from one of my teachers, Lillian Pearl Bridges.  Every year she writes an in-depth forecast about the coming Lunar New Year, which I highly recommend. 

Rat – Water Element: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032
The Rat is the secret friend of the Ox, so that means that the Rat gets a lot of secret luck this year too! Plans that were initiated last year can come to fruition but try to complete them before the year’s end. The Yin of this year benefits the Rat so enjoy the slower pace.

Ox* – Earth Element: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033
The Ox does better in its own year than most animals. This is a good year for financial investment and creating future stability. Ox people will be more social than usual, which will be a strain, but they will be hosting or going to many family gatherings and weddings.

Tiger – Wood Element: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034
Tigers will feel frustrated often this year and they must learn to handle the delays that will occur. There will be some obstacles to overcome and Tigers need to learn how to be patient and accepting, which is not easy for them! However, there can be payoffs later in the year.

Rabbit – Wood Element: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035
This is a moderate year for Rabbits. They can make steady progress if they slow down and do things thoroughly. There is happiness in the family and more socializing. There is also the possibility of investing in real estate or remodeling their current home, which are both stressful.

Dragon – Earth Element: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036
This is not an easy year for Dragons, as they will feel repressed and slowed down. However, steady work brings rewards and there is a good chance for romance and enjoyable social interactions. This is a good year for the Dragon to travel, but make sure your home is secure.

Snake – Fire Element: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037
This is a good year for Snakes. The Yin nature of the year is empowering. There will be financial rewards and opportunities for the Snake that others won’t get, so Snakes need to take them without hesitating. This is also a beneficial year for romance and friendship.

Horse – Fire Element: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
This year will feel very slow to Horses and the energy of this year will feel tedious many times. However, family life is happy and it is a good year for reorganizing and planning. Horses need to get ready for the good times coming and they will have to learn patience!

Sheep/Goat* – Earth Element: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
This is not an easy year. Sheep will feel blocked in their plans and find themselves saying things that they need to apologize for later. They need to watch their health and avoid dangerous activities. There can be unexpected financial benefit by the end of the year.

Monkey – Metal Element: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
Monkeys will feel restrained, to their benefit. They need to stay closer to home and take care of all the things they have put aside for later. There is business success based on the plans started last year and it may end up being a more social year than expected.

Rooster – Metal Element: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981,1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
This is a very lucky year for Roosters. They will have opportunities for advancement and recognition and will garner a great deal of respect. This is a good year for promoting themselves and their work and they will be well received. It is also a good year for traveling

Dog* – Earth Element: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
This could be expensive year for Dogs and they will feel blocked in their progress. It’s an important time to regroup, rethink and get ready for the good luck coming in the next year. They may feel more irritation than usual, but they will also find fun in unexpected activities.

Pig – Water Element: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031
This is a year with a special emphasis on happiness coming from the family. There may be more weddings and births. Pigs may change homes or change their homes. This is a particularly good year for remodeling and there will be opportunities for financial growth.

*Oxes (except those who are turning 60), Dogs and Goats need to wear or carry a Rat or Mouse charm this year for protection (even Mickey and Minnie will do) and to bring more luck your way. Anyone else can also use the charm, but Rats, Roosters and Snakes won’t need them. Please remember that the Chinese Astrology System involves 4 animals – one for the Year you were born, one for the Month, one for the Day and one for the Hour, so these may also have an impact on your luck. And remember that if you are one of the animal years that is not in alignment with the Ox, it just means that you may have to work harder (and possibly make more money), move, travel more, change jobs, start a new job, get married or have a baby – all things the Chinese consider “Good Bad Luck.”

Here are some other great forecasts for the year of the Ox that I recommend from some of my teachers, colleagues and friends:

Lillian Pearl Bridges:

Ken Cohen

Dr. Michael Smith

Christian Saint-Pierre, R.Ac

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